Revue de patrologie,
d’hagiographie critique
et d’histoire ecclésiastique
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Scrinium Bibliographical Footnotes Style Sheet  


S. C. Mimouni, Dormition et Assomption de Marie. Histoire des traditions anciennes (Paris: Bauchesne, 1995) (Théologie historique, 98) 55–58, esp. 57.

Small caps for author’s name, italics for the title; place of publication in the language of publication; indication of the publisher is optional; series specification is strongly recommended (plain text for the series’ title, don’t use Roman numerals!); page numbers without «p.» or «pp.», en dash between the figures, «esp.» or other equivalent abbreviation (e. g., «spéc.», «im Bes.»), if necessary, in the language in which you write your contribution.

If the name of the publishing house is omitted: (Paris, 1995).

If there is a need to specify the number of edition: 41994 (which means «fourth edition, 1994»).

Monograph published in the USA

J. D. W. Watts, Isaiah 1–33 (Waco, TX, 1985) (World Biblical Commentary, 24).

US Postal Service Abbreviation of the state name is strongly recommended.

Monograph, several places of publication

Th. Pratsch, Theodoros Studites (759–826) — zwischen Dogma und Pragma. Der Abt des Studiosklosters in Konstantinopel im Spannungsfeld von Patriarch, Kaiser und eigenem Anspruch (Frankfurt am Main—Berlin—Bern—New York—Paris—Wien, 1998) (Berliner byzantinistische Studien, 4).

Em dashes between place names, no space before or after dashes.

Edited volume

M. Detienne, J.-P. Vernant (éds.), La cousine du sacrifice en pays grec (Paris: Gallimard, 1979).

Standard abbreviations equivalent to the English «ed.» and «eds.» should be conform to the norms of the bibliographical descriptions in the corresponding language. For instance: éd., éds., a cura di, ред.


Article in the edited volume

M. Stone, The Axis of History at Qumran, in: E. Chazon, M. E. Stone (eds.), Pseudepigraphic Perspectives: The Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Leiden, 1999) (STDJ, 31) 133–149.

«In» or «dans» etc. in the language in which you write your contribution.

Article in the periodical

B. Capelle, La Fête de l’Assomption dans l’histoire liturgique, Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses 3 (1926) 35–45.

Italics for periodical’s title, comma between the title of the article and that of the periodical. Don’t use Roman numerals for the volume numbers!

G. Da Costa-Louillet, Saints de Constantinople aux VIIIe, IXe, et Xe siècles, Byzantion 25–27 (1955–1957) 783–852.

All the figures are separated by the en dashes without spaces. Don’t specify issue number if there is a continuous pagination throughout volume.


[ Article in the periodical in Oriental language ]
[ Publications of the sources (the title in any language with Latin or Cyrillic graphics) ]

Repeated reference

Please, don’t use abbreviations like «op. cit.» and «ibid.»!

Monograph or article

Mimouni, Dormition et Assomption de Marie…, 28.

Capelle, La Fête de l’Assomption…, 35–36.

Author’s name in small caps without initials, several first words of the title (italics for the monograph, plain text for the article), omission points, comma, space, page number(s).

Publication of the source

Publications of the sources could be referred to in the same manner as the monographs and articles.

Alternatively, you could either introduce a kind of short reference ad hoc, providing the abbreviation after the first mention of the publication, or give notice that all the references to this source will correspond to the given edition and limit yourself to indication of page (and, if necessary, line) numbers only within the text.

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